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Terraformed Odyssey: From Code to Day Two Operation & Beyond

· 75 min read
Ziad Hassanin
Jr. Site Reliability Engineer

They say to master a new technology, you will have to play with it. While learning a new technology, I always write down the questions that pops up in my mind. And document it while trying to find answers. You can access my study notes at

These series of articles will be a refined version of my notes. I will try to cover the most important concepts and best practices I learned from documentations, exploring source code on github, github issues threads, other articles, youtube videos, and most importantly, through hands-on experimentation and embracing the creative chaos of exploration, much like assembling LEGO blocks, where I constantly experiment and combine different elements to learn.

In this article we will deploy using Terraform as much as possible, and with the minimum ClickOps required:

  • EKS cluster using terraform resources (No Modules).
  • Kube Prometheus Stack with Loki (Helm).
  • Two Ingress Nginx Controllers (Internal and External).
  • Basic Auth for Ingress. (Soon External auth using Keycloak with Terraform).
  • Configure Route53 with Split Horizon DNS.
  • Install Cert-Manager and configure it to automate the dns-01 challenge.
  • Restrict access to Route53 records by using IRSA.
  • Utilize sealed-secrets to store sensitive data in git. And Integrate it with kustomize.
  • Configure AWS Client VPN and AWS IAM Identity Center with:
    • SSO: SAML based Federated Authentication.
    • Active Directory Authentication.
  • Deploy ArgoCD with app-of-apps pattern. And then Deploy:
  • Send ArgoCD and Alert Manager Notifications to Slack.
  • Utilize kustomize to:
    • Deploy custom dashboards to Grafana.
    • Handle Sealed Secrets and ConfigMaps.

Besides that we will discuss:

  • How to build multi architecture Docker images.
  • OpenVPN over Shadowsocks to bypass Deep Packet Inspection.
  • Split Horizon DNS.

We will go through many concepts with some advanced configurations but at a quick pace. Because it is a From Code to Day Two Operation article at the end of the day. However, in the coming articles we will take a deep dive into each concept e.g.:

  • Docker Engine: namespaces, cgroups, pivot_root, etc.
  • Provision and Monitor a Highly Available Kubernetes Cluster from Scratch. E.g. monitor Certificates expiration dates. Besides, applying best practices to secure the cluster.
  • Maintaining a HA etcd cluster in production.
  • Many more...

Before we start you can access the code at:


This app is written in Go. It doesn't have any database or storage dependencies. Just a simple webapp that serves a static content.

Run Locally

go run $(ls -1 *.go | grep -v _test.go)


We aim for our docker image to be as minimal as possible. So we will use multi-stage builds to achieve this. Also, supporting amd64 and arm64 architectures is a MUST for our app. Check REFERENCES section for useful resources.

In summary, we aim for a minimal multi-stage and multi-platform Docker image:

FROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM golang:1.21.5 AS builder


COPY go.mod go.sum /app/

RUN go mod download

COPY . .



FROM --platform=$TARGETPLATFORM scratch
COPY --from=builder /app/ /app/


LABEL org.opencontainers.image.tags="ziadmmh/goviolin:v0.0.1,ziadmmh/goviolin:latest"
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.authors=""

CMD ["/app/main"]

Please do NOT forget the CGO_ENABLED=0 flag. Or you will face a weird error, that is hard to bug. Enjoy this good read after you finish :)

Enable Containerd Image Store

The term multi-platform image refers to a bundle of images for multiple different architectures. Out of the box, the default builder for Docker Desktop doesn't support building multi-platform images.

Enabling the containerd image store lets you build multi-platform images and load them to your local image store.

The containerd image store is NOT enabled by default. To enable the feature for Docker Desktop:

  1. Navigate to Settings in Docker Desktop.
  2. In the General tab, check Use containerd for pulling and storing images.
  3. Select Apply & Restart.

To disable the containerd image store, clear the Use containerd for pulling and storing images checkbox. Please, do refer to the docs first.

Check Containerd Image Store is Enabled
docker info -f '{{ .DriverStatus }}'
[[driver-type io.containerd.snapshotter.v1]]

Build Image

docker build --platform linux/arm64,linux/amd64 --progress plain -t ziadmmh/goviolin:v0.0.1 --push .

GitHub Actions

This is a dummy GitHub Actions workflow that builds, extracts the image labels from Dockerfile, and then pushes the image to Docker Hub GoViolin Repository.


It is a better idea to use the docker meta data action. To extract the image tags e.g. when you push a new tag to the repository or commit hash.

Click to expand
name: Test, Build, and Push Multi-Arch Image

- master


permissions: write-all

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4

- name: Set up QEMU
uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v3

- name: Set up Docker Buildx
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3

- name: Run Go Tests
run: go test ./...

- name: Login to Docker Hub
uses: docker/login-action@v3
username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}
password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }}

- name: Extract metadata from Dockerfile
run: |
echo "TAGS=$(awk '/^LABEL org.opencontainers.image.tags/{gsub(/"/,"",$2); gsub(".*=",""); print }' Dockerfile)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "TAG_VERSION=$(echo $TAGS | cut -d: -f2)" >> $GITHUB_ENV

- name: Check if TAGS is set
run: |
if [ -z "${{ env.TAGS }}" ]; then
echo "TAGS environment variable is not set. Please set it before running this workflow."
exit 1

- name: Build and Push Multi-Arch Docker Image
uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
context: .
platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64
tags: ${{ env.TAGS }},ziadmmh/goviolin:latest
push: true

- name: Set Enviroment Variables
run: |
echo "REPOSITORY=ZiadMansourM/terraformed-odyssey" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "BRANCH_NAME=update-goviolin-image-$RANDOM" >> $GITHUB_ENV

- name: Checkout Code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
repository: ${{ env.REPOSITORY }}
token: ${{ secrets.GH_CLI_TOKEN }}
ref: main
path: terraformed-odyssey

- name: Checkout Branch and Update Image Tag
working-directory: terraformed-odyssey/kubernetes/goviolin
run: |
git checkout -b "${{ env.BRANCH_NAME }}"
rm -rf live && mkdir -p live
kustomize edit set image ziadmmh/goviolin:${{ env.TAG_VERSION }}
kustomize build > live/live.yaml

- name: Update Image Tag and Send pull-request
working-directory: terraformed-odyssey/kubernetes/goviolin
run: |
git config "github-actions[bot]"
git config "41898282+github-actions[bot]"
git status
git add live/live.yaml
git commit -m "Update goviolin image tag to ${{ env.TAGS }}"
git push origin ${{ env.BRANCH_NAME }}

- name: Create Pull Request
working-directory: terraformed-odyssey/kubernetes/goviolin
run: |
echo "${{ secrets.GH_CLI_TOKEN }}" > token.txt

gh auth login --with-token < token.txt

gh pr create \
--title "Update goviolin image tag to ${{ env.TAGS }}" \
--body "This PR updates the goviolin image tag to ${{ env.TAGS }}." \
--base "main" \
--head "${{ env.BRANCH_NAME }}"


I built this app to help me during my final exams. It calculates the time needed to watch a playlist on youtube. You just need to provide the playlist URL or Id and it returns the watch time corresponding to each speed.


The code is super straight forward and easy to understand. It uses the pytube library to interact with the YouTube API. Have a look and please reach out if you have any question ^^.

Click to expand
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import re
import time

from fastapi import FastAPI, Request
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse, HTMLResponse, FileResponse
from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates
from pydantic import BaseModel
from pytube import Playlist, YouTube

app = FastAPI()
templates = Jinja2Templates(directory="templates")

async def read_item(filename: str):
return FileResponse(f"templates/assets/{filename}")

def timeit(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
print(f"Started {func.__name__}...")
start_time = time.time()
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
end_time = time.time()
print(f"Done {func.__name__} took {(end_time - start_time)*1000:.2f} ms to execute.")
return result
return wrapper

def get_playlist_id(link: str) -> str:
video_pattern = r'(https?://)?(www\.)?(youtube\.com/watch\?v=)?([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)&?list=([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)'
if match := re.match(video_pattern, link):
return match[5]

playlist_pattern = r'(https?://)?(www\.)?(youtube\.com/playlist\?list=)?([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)'
return match[4] if (match := re.match(playlist_pattern, link)) else link

def get_video_length(url: str) -> int:
yt = YouTube(url)
return yt.length

def get_playlist_duration(playlist_url: str) -> tuple[int, int, float]:
playlist_id = get_playlist_id(playlist_url)
playlist = Playlist(f"{playlist_id}")
video_count = len(playlist.video_urls)

total_seconds = 0
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=video_count) as executor:
total_seconds = sum(, playlist.video_urls))

avg_video_length = total_seconds / video_count if video_count != 0 else 0

return total_seconds, video_count, avg_video_length

def calculate_speed_times(total_seconds: int) -> dict:
speeds = [1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2]
times = {}

for speed in speeds:
time_at_speed = total_seconds / speed
hours = int(time_at_speed // 3600)
minutes = int((time_at_speed % 3600) // 60)
seconds = int(time_at_speed % 60)
times[speed] = f"{hours} hours, {minutes} minutes, {seconds} seconds"

return times

def format_time(seconds: float) -> str:
hours = int(seconds // 3600)
minutes = int((seconds % 3600) // 60)
seconds = int(seconds % 60)
return f"{hours} hours, {minutes} minutes, {seconds} seconds"

def run(user_input: str):
total_seconds, video_count, avg_video_length = get_playlist_duration(user_input)
times = calculate_speed_times(total_seconds)

return {
"videoCount": video_count,
"avgVideoLength": format_time(avg_video_length),
"speedTimes": dict(times.items()),

@app.get("/", response_class=HTMLResponse)
async def read_item(request: Request):
return templates.TemplateResponse("index.html", {"request": request})

class PlaylistUrl(BaseModel):
playlistUrl: str"/calculate")
async def calculate_playlist_duration(playlist_url: PlaylistUrl):
response_data = run(playlist_url.playlistUrl)
return JSONResponse(content=response_data)


It is actually advised to use requirements.txt file to install the dependencies. But for the sake of simplicity I will hard code the dependencies install directly in the Dockerfile without any version pinning.

FROM python:3.11-slim


RUN pip install --no-cache-dir fastapi
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir uvicorn
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir pytube
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir jinja2

COPY /app/
COPY templates /app/templates


LABEL org.opencontainers.image.tags="ziadmmh/calctube:v0.0.1"
LABEL org.opencontainers.image.authors=""

CMD ["uvicorn", "main:app", "--host", "", "--port", "80"]

GitHub Actions

Same as the GoViolin app, we will use a dummy GitHub Actions workflow that builds, extracts the image labels from Dockerfile, and then pushes the image to Docker Hub CalcTube Repository.

Click to expand
name: Test, Build, and Push Multi-Arch Image

- main


permissions: write-all

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4

- name: Set up QEMU
uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v3

- name: Set up Docker Buildx
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3

- name: Login to Docker Hub
uses: docker/login-action@v3
username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}
password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }}

- name: Extract metadata from Dockerfile
run: |
echo "TAGS=$(awk '/^LABEL org.opencontainers.image.tags/{gsub(/"/,"",$2); gsub(".*=",""); print }' Dockerfile)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "TAG_VERSION=$(echo $TAGS | cut -d: -f2)" >> $GITHUB_ENV

- name: Check if TAGS is set
run: |
if [ -z "${{ env.TAGS }}" ]; then
echo "TAGS environment variable is not set. Please set it before running this workflow."
exit 1

- name: Build and Push Multi-Arch Docker Image
uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
context: .
platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64
tags: ${{ env.TAGS }},ziadmmh/calctube:latest
push: true

Just double check the image tags pushed and note the OS/ARCH supported.

CalcTube Image Tags

Voting App

The voting app is no different from the above setup. Please refer to the orginal repository and my fork of it for more information. And do reach out if you have any question ^^.

Voting App Architecture


Each of your apps has its own Github repository, and github actions is responsible for building and pushing the images to Docker Hub. The images are then pulled by ArgoCD and deployed to the EKS cluster. So in total we aim for Four Repositories. The three repositories containing the code you can configure them as you like. But the terraform-odyssey repo which contains the applications manifests according to the GitOps principles. I have configured it as follows and that will affect how the ArgoCD will deploy the applications:

Click to expand
ziadh@Ziads-MacBook-Air terraformed-odyssey % tree
├── argocd
│ ├── app-of-apps
│ │ ├── calctube.yaml
│ │ ├── goviolin.yaml
│ │ ├── system.yaml
│ │ └── voting-app.yaml
│ └── root-app
│ └── root-app.yaml
├── kubernetes
│ ├──
│ ├── calctube
│ │ ├── 00-namespace.yaml
│ │ ├── 01-deployment.yaml
│ │ ├── 02-service.yaml
│ │ ├── 03-ingress.yaml
│ │ ├── files
│ │ │ └── auth
│ │ ├── kustomization.yaml
│ │ └── live
│ │ └── live.yaml
│ ├── goviolin
│ │ ├── 00-namespace.yaml
│ │ ├── 01-deployment.yaml
│ │ ├── 02-service.yaml
│ │ ├── 03-ingress.yaml
│ │ ├── files
│ │ │ └── auth
│ │ ├── kustomization.yaml
│ │ └── live
│ │ └── live.yaml
│ ├── system
│ │ ├── argocd-ingress.yaml
│ │ ├── argocd-notifications-cm.yaml
│ │ ├── components
│ │ │ └── sealed-secret-config.yaml
│ │ ├── dashboards
│ │ │ ├── argocd-14584.json
│ │ │ ├── cert-manager-20842.json
│ │ │ ├── ingress-nginx-14314.json
│ │ │ └── loki-14055.json
│ │ ├── kustomization.yaml
│ │ ├── live
│ │ │ └── live.yaml
│ │ ├── monitoring-ingress.yaml
│ │ ├── sealed-argocd-notifications-secret.yaml
│ │ └── secrets
│ │ └── argocd-notifications-secret-ignore.yaml
│ └── voting-app
│ ├── db-deployment.yaml
│ ├── db-service.yaml
│ ├── ingress.yaml
│ ├── kustomization.yaml
│ ├── live
│ │ └── live.yaml
│ ├── namespace.yaml
│ ├── redis-deployment.yaml
│ ├── redis-service.yaml
│ ├── result-deployment.yaml
│ ├── result-service.yaml
│ ├── vote-deployment.yaml
│ ├── vote-service.yaml
│ └── worker-deployment.yaml
└── terraform
├── 00_foundation
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├── terraform.tfstate
│ ├── terraform.tfstate.backup
│ └──
├── 10_platform
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├── files
│ │ ├── cert-manager-values.yaml
│ │ ├── external-nginx-values.yaml
│ │ ├── internal-nginx-values.yaml
│ │ ├── kube-prometheus-stack-values.yaml
│ │ ├── loki-distributed-values.yaml
│ │ └── promtail-values.yaml
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├── terraform.tfstate
│ ├── terraform.tfstate.backup
│ └──
└── 15_platform
├── files
│ └── argocd-values.yaml
├── metadata
│ ├── aws-client-vpn-self-service.xml
│ └── aws-client-vpn.xml
├── terraform.tfstate
├── terraform.tfstate.backup

24 directories, 89 files

We will go through each file in details, but for a quick overview:

  • terraform directory contains the terraform code to provision the EKS cluster and the needed resources.
  • kubernetes directory contains the manifests for the applications we will deploy.
  • argocd directory contains the ArgoCD manifests for the applications and the ArgoCD itself.

Now lets discuss the contents of the terraform directory.

00_Foundation Layer

  1. VPC.
  2. Internet Gw.
  3. Subnets.
  4. Elastic IPs.
  5. NAT Gateways.
  6. Route Tables, Route Tables Association.
  7. eks-cluster-role, eks-cluster-role-attachment then EKS Cluster.
  8. eks-node-group-general-role and its Three different eks-node-group-general-role-attachment. Then aws_eks_node_group.

10_Platform Layer

  1. Kube Prometheus Stack and Loki.
  2. Ingress Nginx Controllers.
  3. Route53 Split Horizon DNS.
  4. Cert-Manager.
  5. Sealed Secrets.

15_Platform Layer

  1. ArgoCD.
  2. VPN.


First make sure you downloaded aws-cli and created terraform user with programmatic access from the AWS Console.


Follow the following link to download the latest aws-cli version compatible with your operating system:

aws --version
aws-cli/2.15.38 Python/3.11.8 Darwin/23.4.0 exe/x86_64 prompt/off

The AWS CLI version 2 is the most recent major version of the AWS CLI and supports all of the latest features. Some features introduced in version 2 are NOT backported to version 1 and you must upgrade to access those features.

Terraform User

  1. Open AWS Console then navigate to IAM Service.
  2. Click on Users then Create User.
  3. Name user terraform.
  4. Click Next then Add user to group and name it admin-access-automated-tools. Attach the AdministratorAccess policy then click Create user group. Next again, and finally Create User.
  5. Navigate to terraform user and select Security Credentials tab.
  6. Click Create access key and Select under use case Command Line Interface (CLI).
  7. Read Alternatives recommended if you are okay check I understand and click Create.
  8. Provide a description e.g. Terraform Programmatic Access then Create access key.
  9. Download .csv file and store it in a safe place.
Access key best practices
  • Never store your access key in plain text, in a code repository, or in code.
  • Disable or delete access key when no longer needed.
  • Enable and stick to least-privilege permissions.
  • Rotate access keys regularly.
  • For more details about managing access keys, see the best practices for managing AWS access keys.
Install Access keys
cat $PATH_TO_CREDENTIALS_FILE/terraform_accessKeys.csv

# Enter region: eu-central-1
# Enter output format: json
aws configure --profile terraform

# To verify
cat ~/.aws/config
cat ~/.aws/credentials


In this section we will provision the VPC, Internet GW, Subnets, Elastic IPs, NAT Gateway, Route Tables, EKS Cluster, EKS Node Groups, and IAM roles and policies needed.

Note that provisioning the 00_foundation took from me:

  • ~12 minutes to apply.
  • ~11 minutes to destroy.

We will be using the following Terraform providers:

variable "region" {
description = "The AWS region to deploy the resources."
type = string
default = "eu-central-1"

variable "profile" {
description = "The AWS profile to use."
type = string
default = "terraform"

variable "aws_vpc_main_cidr" {
description = "The CIDR block of the main VPC."
type = string
default = ""

variable "cluster_name" {
description = "The name of the EKS cluster."
type = string
default = "eks-cluster-production"

variable "eks_master_version" {
description = "The Kubernetes version of the EKS cluster."
type = string
default = "1.28"

variable "worker_nodes_k8s_version" {
description = "The Kubernetes version of the EKS worker nodes."
type = string
default = "1.28"

variable "node_group_scaling_config" {
description = "The scaling configuration for the EKS node group."

type = object({
desired_size = number
max_size = number
min_size = number

default = {
desired_size = 4
max_size = 4
min_size = 4

terraform {
required_providers {
aws = {
source = "hashicorp/aws"
version = "5.45.0"

provider "aws" {
region = var.region
profile = var.profile


Because the file is a bit lengthy, I will break it here to be easier for me to comment and provide addition resources for every related resources.

A better approach would have been grouping related resources in different .tf files. But for the sake of simplicity I didn't do it.

Update: I have updated the code and article to reflect the best practices.

Local variable
locals {
tags = {
author = "ziadh"
"" = var.cluster_name

Craete VPC

You can see more at:

I choose the cidr block to be you can choose them as per your convenience. You can visualize the subnets using Subnet Calculator. Also remember:

Private IP Addresses
PrefixFirst Ip AddressLast Ip AddressNumber of Addresses,777,216,048,576,536
resource "aws_vpc" "main" {
cidr_block = var.aws_vpc_main_cidr

# Makes instances shared on the host.
instance_tenancy = "default"

# Required for EKS:
# 1. Enable DNS support in the VPC.
# 2. Enable DNS hostnames in the VPC.
enable_dns_support = true
enable_dns_hostnames = true

# Additional Arguments:
assign_generated_ipv6_cidr_block = false

tags = merge(local.tags, { Name = "eks-vpc" })

Create Internet Gateway
resource "aws_internet_gateway" "main" {
vpc_id =

tags = merge(local.tags, { Name = "eks-igw" })


We need two public and two private subnets. Read more here.
resource "aws_subnet" "public_1" {
vpc_id =

cidr_block = ""
availability_zone = "${var.region}a"

# Required for EKS: Instances launched into the subnet
# should be assigned a public IP address.
map_public_ip_on_launch = true

tags = merge(
Name = "public-${var.region}a"
"${var.cluster_name}" = "shared"
"" = "1"

Pay a close attention to:

  • The "" tag we had on public subnets vs "". Read more on the docs here.
  • The map_public_ip_on_launch = true on public subnets ONLY.
  • Without this tag "${var.cluster_name}" the EKS cluster will not be able to communicate with the nodes.

Elastic IPs and NAT GWs
resource "aws_eip" "nat_1" {
depends_on = [aws_internet_gateway.main]

resource "aws_nat_gateway" "gw_1" {
subnet_id =
allocation_id =

tags = merge(local.tags, { Name = "eks-nat-gw-1" })

RT and RTA

Route Tables and Route Tables Association section:

We will have three route tables and then associate each one of the four subnets with the appropriate route table.
resource "aws_route_table" "public" {
vpc_id =

route {
cidr_block = ""
gateway_id =

tags = merge(local.tags, { Name = "eks-public-rt" })

And there respective associations:
resource "aws_route_table_association" "public_1" {
subnet_id =
route_table_id =

resource "aws_route_table_association" "public_2" {
subnet_id =
route_table_id =

resource "aws_route_table_association" "private_1" {
subnet_id =
route_table_id =

resource "aws_route_table_association" "private_2" {
subnet_id =
route_table_id =

IAM roles for EKS

Note that we will attach the role to the AmazonEKSClusterPolicy policy, it is managed by aws. And the assume_role_policy is responsible on who can assume this role.

This role is used by the EKS control plane to make calls to AWS API operations on your behalf.
resource "aws_iam_role" "eks_cluster" {
name = "eks-cluster"

assume_role_policy = <<POLICY
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": ""
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"

resource "aws_iam_role_policy_attachment" "amazon_eks_cluster_policy" {
policy_arn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSClusterPolicy"
role =

EKS Cluster
resource "aws_eks_cluster" "eks" {
name = var.cluster_name

# Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role that provides permission for
# the kubernetes control plane to make calls to aws API operations on your
# behalf.
role_arn = aws_iam_role.eks_cluster.arn

# Desired Kubernetes master version
version = "1.28"

vpc_config {
endpoint_private_access = false
endpoint_public_access = true

# Must be in at least two subnets in two different
# availability zones.
subnet_ids = [,,,

depends_on = [

tags = local.tags

IAM roles for NodeGroups

We will create a role named eks-node-group-general and then attach three policies to that role:

Also we control who can assume the eks-node-group-general by the assume_role_policy below. Which is the EKS worker nodes that will assume this role.

In case you were wondering why we need these policies, please follow the docs here and the above links to know exactly what each policy gives permission to.
resource "aws_iam_role" "node_group_general" {
name = "eks-node-group-general"

assume_role_policy = <<POLICY
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": ""
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
resource "aws_iam_role_policy_attachment" "amazon_eks_worker_node_policy_general" {
policy_arn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy"
role =

EKS NodeGroup
resource "aws_eks_node_group" "nodes_general" {
cluster_name =
node_group_name = "nodes-general-group"
node_role_arn = aws_iam_role.node_group_general.arn

# Identifiers of EC2 subnets to associate with the EKS Node Group.
# These subnets must have the following resource tags:
# -
# Where CLUSTER_NAME is replaced with the name of the EKS cluster.
subnet_ids = [,

scaling_config {
desired_size = var.node_group_scaling_config.desired_size
max_size = var.node_group_scaling_config.max_size
min_size = var.node_group_scaling_config.min_size

# Valid Values: AL2_x86_64, BOTTLEROCKET_x86_64
# Ref:
ami_type = "BOTTLEROCKET_x86_64"

# Valid Values: ON_DEMAND, SPOT
capacity_type = "ON_DEMAND"

disk_size = 20 # GiB

# Force version update if existing Pods are unable to be drained
# due to a pod disruption budget issue.
force_update_version = false

# Docs:
instance_types = ["t3.medium"]

labels = {
role = "nodes-general"

# If not specified, then inherited from the EKS master plane.
version = "1.28"

depends_on = [

tags = local.tags
scaling_config {
desired_size = 2
max_size = 2
min_size = 2

We can not have less than 2 worker nodes in the EKS cluster. As we will add a PodAntiAffinity rule to the ingress-nginx controller. More later on this.

Test & Verify

terraform fmt
terraform init
terraform validate
terraform plan
terraform apply
rm ~/.kube/config # (Optional)
aws eks --region eu-central-1 update-kubeconfig --name eks-cluster-production --profile terraform
kubectl get nodes,svc


In this section we will provision:

  • Kube Prometheus Stack and Loki.
  • Two Ingress Nginx Controllers.
  • Route53 with split horizon dns.
  • Cert-Manager.
  • Sealed Secrets.

Provisioning the 10_platform took from me:

  • ~4 minutes to apply.
  • ~2 minutes to destroy.

variable "region" {
description = "The AWS region to deploy the resources."
type = string
default = "eu-central-1"

variable "profile" {
description = "The AWS profile to use."
type = string
default = "terraform"

variable "cluster_name" {
description = "The name of the EKS cluster."
type = string
default = "eks-cluster-production"

terraform {
required_providers {
aws = {
source = "hashicorp/aws"
version = "5.45.0"
kubernetes = {
source = "hashicorp/kubernetes"
version = "2.29.0"
kubectl = {
source = "gavinbunney/kubectl"
version = "1.14.0"
helm = {
source = "hashicorp/helm"
version = "2.13.0"
tls = {
source = "hashicorp/tls"
version = "4.0.5"

provider "aws" {
region = var.region
profile = var.profile

provider "kubernetes" {
host = data.aws_eks_cluster.cluster.endpoint
token = data.aws_eks_cluster_auth.cluster.token
cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(

provider "helm" {
kubernetes {
host = data.aws_eks_cluster.cluster.endpoint
token = data.aws_eks_cluster_auth.cluster.token
cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(

provider "kubectl" {
host = data.aws_eks_cluster.cluster.endpoint
token = data.aws_eks_cluster_auth.cluster.token
cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(
load_config_file = false

Helm Intro

We will use terraform but I wanted to show you how to install them with helm.

Kube Prometheus Stack
helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo update
helm search repo kube-prometheus-stack --max-col-width 23
# Release name: monitoring
# Helm chart name: kube-prometheus-stack
helm install monitoring prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack \
--values prometheus-values.yaml \
--version 58.1.3 \
--namespace monitoring \
# Later when you are done
helm uninstall monitoring -n monitoring
helm repo add ingress-nginx
helm repo update
helm search repo ingress-nginx --max-col-width 23
helm install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx \
--values ingress-values.yaml \
--version 4.10.0 \
--namespace ingress-nginx \
# Later when you are done
helm uninstall ingress-nginx -n ingress-nginx
helm repo add jetstack
helm repo update
helm search repo cert-manager --max-col-width 23
helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \
--values cert-manager-values.yaml \
--version 1.14.4 \
--namespace cert-manager \
# Later when you are done
helm uninstall cert-manager -n cert-manager

Draft Plan

The following is just us drafting the plan, as we will use Terraform not the UI. Do not worry if you did not understand a certain part we are just planning. We will go into details later:

  1. Delegate a subdomain to Route53. *
    1. Create a public hosted zone in Route53.
      • Domain Name:
    2. Create a nameserver - (NS) record in your domain register e.g. Namecheap.
    3. (Optional) Test subdomain delegation with a dummy in Route53 and try to resolve it with dig +short Value can be anything: You can also use this tool to see DNS propagation whatsmydns.
  2. We will use IRSA: IAM Roles for Service Accounts to allow the cert-manager to manage the Route53 hosted zone.
    1. Create OpenID Connect Provider first:
      • Open eks service in AWS Console. Then under clusters select the cluster.
      • Under Configuration tab, Copy the OpenID Connect Provider URL.
      • Navigate to IAM Service then Identity Providers. Select Add provider.
      • Select OpenID Connect, paste url and Get thumbprint.
      • Under Audience:
      • Click Add provider.
    2. Create an IAM policy. Name the policy CertManagerRoute53Access:
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": "route53:GetChange",
    "Resource": "arn:aws:route53:::change/*"
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": "arn:aws:route53:::hostedzone/<id>"
    1. Craete an IAM role and associate it with the kubernetes service account. Under Roles click Create role.

      • Select type of trusted entity to be Web identity.
      • Choose the identity provider created in step 1.
      • For Audience:
      • Click next for permissions and attach CertManagerRoute53Access policy.
      • Name the role cert-manager-acme.
    2. To allow only our cert-manager kubernetes account to assume this role, we need to update Trust Relationship of the cert-manager-acme role. Click edit Trust Relationships:

      • First we need the name of the service account attached to the cert-manager.
      • Run kubectl -n cert-manager get sa cert-manager called cert-083-cert-manager.
      • Update the trust relationship to be:
      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Principal": {
      "Federated": <OIDC_PROVIDER_ARN>
      "Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity",
      "Condition": {
      "StringEquals": {
      "<CLUSTER_ID>:aud": ""
    3. Attach policy CertManagerRoute53Access to the role cert-manager-acme. Remember the assume_role_policy created inside the role defines who can assume this role.

  3. Install Kube Prometheus Stack with custom values.yaml file.
  4. Install Ingress-Nginx with custom values.yaml file.
  5. Install Cert-Manager with custom values.yaml file.
  6. Instal Sealed-Secret with custom values.yaml file.

Visualize Plan

The following is a Simplified Dependency Graph made by Mermaid.


All needed data sources from previous layer. E.g. Use the aws_caller_identity data source to get the access to the effective Account ID, User ID, and ARN in which Terraform is authorized.
data "aws_eks_cluster" "cluster" {
name = var.cluster_name

data "aws_eks_cluster_auth" "cluster" {
name = var.cluster_name

# Data Source: aws_caller_identity
data "aws_caller_identity" "current" {}

data "kubernetes_service" "external_nginx_controller" {
metadata {
name = "ingress-nginx-external-controller"
namespace = "ingress-nginx-external"

depends_on = [

data "kubernetes_service" "internal_nginx_controller" {
metadata {
name = "ingress-nginx-internal-controller"
namespace = "ingress-nginx-internal"

depends_on = [

data "tls_certificate" "demo" {
url = data.aws_eks_cluster.cluster.identity.0.oidc.0.issuer

terraform {
required_providers {
aws = {
source = "hashicorp/aws"
version = "5.45.0"
kubernetes = {
source = "hashicorp/kubernetes"
version = "2.29.0"
kubectl = {
source = "gavinbunney/kubectl"
version = "1.14.0"
helm = {
source = "hashicorp/helm"
version = "2.13.0"
tls = {
source = "hashicorp/tls"
version = "4.0.5"

provider "aws" {
region = var.region
profile = var.profile

provider "kubernetes" {
host = data.aws_eks_cluster.cluster.endpoint
token = data.aws_eks_cluster_auth.cluster.token
cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(

provider "helm" {
kubernetes {
host = data.aws_eks_cluster.cluster.endpoint
token = data.aws_eks_cluster_auth.cluster.token
cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(

provider "kubectl" {
host = data.aws_eks_cluster.cluster.endpoint
token = data.aws_eks_cluster_auth.cluster.token
cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(
load_config_file = false

variable "region" {
description = "The AWS region to deploy the resources."
type = string
default = "eu-central-1"

variable "profile" {
description = "The AWS profile to use."
type = string
default = "terraform"

variable "cluster_name" {
description = "The name of the EKS cluster."
type = string
default = "eks-cluster-production"

output "internal_nginx_dns_lb" {
description = "Internal DNS name for the NGINX Load Balancer."
value = data.kubernetes_service.internal_nginx_controller.status.0.load_balancer.0.ingress.0.hostname

output "ns_records" {
description = "The name servers for the public hosted zone"
value = aws_route53_zone.public.name_servers

output "external_nginx_dns_lb" {
description = "External DNS name for the NGINX Load Balancer."
value = data.kubernetes_service.external_nginx_controller.status.0.load_balancer.0.ingress.0.hostname

output "issuer_url_oidc" {
description = "Issuer URL for the OpenID Connect identity provider."
value = data.aws_eks_cluster.cluster.identity.0.oidc.0.issuer

output "issuer_url_oidc_replaced" {
description = "Issuer URL for the OpenID Connect identity provider without https://."
value = replace(data.aws_eks_cluster.cluster.identity.0.oidc.0.issuer, "https://", "")

Kube Prometheus Stack
resource "helm_release" "kube_prometheus_stack" {
name = "monitoring"
namespace = "monitoring"
repository = ""
chart = "kube-prometheus-stack"
version = "58.1.3"
timeout = 300
atomic = true
create_namespace = true

values = [

resource "helm_release" "loki-distributed" {
name = "loki"
namespace = "monitoring"
repository = ""
chart = "loki-distributed"
version = "0.79.0"
timeout = 300
atomic = true
create_namespace = true

values = [

depends_on = [helm_release.kube_prometheus_stack]

resource "helm_release" "promtail" {
name = "promtail"
namespace = "monitoring"
repository = ""
chart = "promtail"
version = "6.15.5"
timeout = 300
atomic = true
create_namespace = true

values = [

Custom values.yaml

I provided inline comments explaining each value customized in the kube-prometheus-stack-values.yaml file.

Click Me (kube-prometheus-stack-values.yaml)
# Ref:

# Since we are using eks. The control plane is abstracted away from us.
# We do NOT need to manage ETCD, scheduler, controller-manager, and API server.
# The following will disable alerts for etcd and kube-scheduler.
etcd: false
kubeScheduler: false

# Then disable servicemonitors for them
enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: false

# Add a custom labels to discover ServiceMonitors
## If true, a nil or {} value for prometheus.prometheusSpec.serviceMonitorSelector will cause the
## prometheus resource to be created with selectors based on values in the helm deployment,
## which will also match the servicemonitors created
serviceMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues: false

serviceMonitorSelector: {}
# matchLabels:
# Prometheus will watch servicemonitors objects
# with the following label:
# e.g. prometheus
# prometheus: monitor
serviceMonitorNamespaceSelector: {}
# matchLabels:
# By default, prometheus will ONLY detect servicemonitors
# in its own namespace `monitoring`. Instruct prometheus
# to select service monitors in all namespaces with the
# following label:
# e.g. prometheus
# monitoring: prometheus

# Last thing update common labels.
# If you did NOT add it. Prometheus Operator
# will IGNORE default service monitors created
# by this helm chart. Consequently, the prometheus
# targets section will be empty.
# commonLabels:
# prometheus: monitor
# monitoring: prometheus

# Optionally, you can update the grafana admin password
adminPassword: testing321
- name: Loki
type: loki
url: http://loki-loki-distributed-query-frontend.monitoring:3100
Click Me (loki-distributed-values.yaml)
# Ref:
enabled: true
Click Me (promtail-values.yaml)
# Ref:
- url: "http://loki-loki-distributed-gateway/loki/api/v1/push"

Ingress Nginx
resource "helm_release" "ingress-nginx-external" {
name = "ingress-nginx-external"
namespace = "ingress-nginx-external"
repository = ""
chart = "ingress-nginx"
version = "4.0.1"
timeout = 300
atomic = true
create_namespace = true

depends_on = [

values = [
Click Me (external-nginx-values.yaml)
# Ref:

# name: controller
# -- Election ID to use for status update, by default it uses the controller name combined with a suffix of 'leader'
# electionID: ""
compute-full-forwarded-for: "true"
use-forwarded-headers: "true"
proxy-body-size: "0"

# This name we will reference this particular ingress controller
# incase you have multiple ingress controllers, you can use
# `ingressClassName` to specify which ingress controller to use.
# ALSO: For backwards compatibility with ingress.class annotation, use ingressClass. Algorithm is as follows, first ingressClassName is considered, if not present, controller looks for ingress.class annotation.
# Ref:
# E.g. very often we have `internal` and `external` ingresses in the same cluster.
ingressClass: external-nginx

# New kubernetes APIs starting from 1.18 let us create an ingress class resource
name: external-nginx
# ENABLED: Create the IngressClass or not
enabled: true
# DEFAULT: If true, Ingresses without ingressClassName get assigned to this IngressClass on creation. Ingress creation gets rejected if there are multiple default IngressClasses. Ref:
default: false
# Ref:
controllerValue: ""

# Pod Anti-Affinity Role: deploys nginx ingress pods on a different nodes
# very helpful if you do NOT want to disrupt services during kubernetes rolling
# upgrades.
# IMPORTANT: try always to use it.
- labelSelector:
- key:
operator: In
- ingress-nginx
topologyKey: ""

# Should at least be 2 or configured auto-scaling
replicaCount: 1

# Admission webhooks: verifies the configuration before applying the ingress.
# E.g. syntax error in the configuration snippet annotation, the generated
# configuration becomes invalid
enabled: true

# Ingress is always deployed with some kind of a load balancer. You may use
# annotations supported by your cloud provider to configure it. E.g. in AWS
# you can use `aws-load-balancer-type` as the default is `classic`.
# Ref: "load-balancer-external" nlb
# "true"

# We want to enable prometheus metrics on the controller
enabled: true
enabled: true
# additionalLabels:
# prometheus: monitor
Click Me (internal-nginx-values.yaml)
# Ref:

# name: controller
# -- Election ID to use for status update, by default it uses the controller name combined with a suffix of 'leader'
# electionID: ""
compute-full-forwarded-for: "true"
use-forwarded-headers: "true"
proxy-body-size: "0"

# This name we will reference this particular ingress controller
# incase you have multiple ingress controllers, you can use
# `ingressClassName` to specify which ingress controller to use.
# ALSO: For backwards compatibility with ingress.class annotation, use ingressClass. Algorithm is as follows, first ingressClassName is considered, if not present, controller looks for ingress.class annotation.
# Ref:
# E.g. very often we have `internal` and `external` ingresses in the same cluster.
ingressClass: internal-nginx

# New kubernetes APIs starting from 1.18 let us create an ingress class resource
name: internal-nginx
# ENABLED: Create the IngressClass or not
enabled: true
# DEFAULT: If true, Ingresses without ingressClassName get assigned to this IngressClass on creation. Ingress creation gets rejected if there are multiple default IngressClasses. Ref:
default: true
# Ref:
controllerValue: ""

# Pod Anti-Affinity Role: deploys nginx ingress pods on a different nodes
# very helpful if you do NOT want to disrupt services during kubernetes rolling
# upgrades.
# IMPORTANT: try always to use it.
- labelSelector:
- key:
operator: In
- ingress-nginx
topologyKey: ""

# Should at least be 2 or configured auto-scaling
replicaCount: 1

# Admission webhooks: verifies the configuration before applying the ingress.
# E.g. syntax error in the configuration snippet annotation, the generated
# configuration becomes invalid
enabled: true

# Ingress is always deployed with some kind of a load balancer. You may use
# annotations supported by your cloud provider to configure it. E.g. in AWS
# you can use `aws-load-balancer-type` as the default is `classic`.
enabled: false
enabled: true
# Ref:
# if you want to have an internal load balancer with only private
# IP address. That you can use within your VPC. you can use:
# Ref: nlb "load-balancer-internal" "internal"
# "true"

# We want to enable prometheus metrics on the controller
enabled: true
enabled: true
# additionalLabels:
# prometheus: monitor


It is time to create the public and private hosted zone in Route53, as I have said before we will implement the split horizon dns. I registered my domain name from Namecheap and we will delegate the subdomain to Route53.

Why do we need to delegate the subdomain to Route53? Because we want to use the cert-manager to manage the Route53 hosted zone. This is done using the IAM Roles for Service Accounts (IRSA). Much more easily to be done on Route53 than on Namecheap.

Basically, the steps are:

  1. Create Public Hosted Zone in Route53.
  2. Create a NS record in Namecheap to delegate the subdomain to Route53.
  3. (Optionally) Test the delegation with a dummy record.

Resources Used:
resource "aws_route53_zone" "public" {
name = ""

resource "aws_route53_record" "wildcard_cname" {
zone_id = aws_route53_zone.public.zone_id
name = "*"
type = "CNAME"
ttl = "300"

records = [
Retarded Namecheap API

Namecheap have a very retarded API. See docs. They require you to whitelist the IP address of the server you are calling their API from. You can NOT add a cider only a static IP address and you have only 10 IP addresses to whitelist. Along side with other hilarious decisions from their API design wise e.g. while adding or updating a record you can DELETE all your previous records if you forgot to set mode from OVERWRITE to MERGE and if you are calling the API raw you do have to include all your previous records in the call. It is a joke (a bad one).

So, instead of using terraform:

resource "namecheap_domain_records" "delegate_to_route53" {
domain = ""

for_each = aws_route53_zone.k8s.name_servers

record {
hostname = "k8s"
type = "NS"
address = each.value

I will do it from the UI of Namecheap once the public hosted zone is created in Route53.


You can use shadowsocks if your ISP does not provide static IP address service like me. Then just white list the Elastic IP of this shadowsocks server. I learned that after I finished writing the article :)


Now it is time to install the cert-manager. We will use the cert-manager to manage and automate obtaining and renewing SSL certificates for our services.

It is the same part as the block called Cert-Manager Configuration in the graph above. But I will divide them into separate blocks for better understanding.
resource "aws_iam_openid_connect_provider" "eks_oidc" {
url = data.aws_eks_cluster.cluster.identity.0.oidc.0.issuer
client_id_list = [""]
thumbprint_list = [data.tls_certificate.demo.certificates[0].sha1_fingerprint]
resource "aws_iam_policy" "cert_manager_route53_access" {
name = "CertManagerRoute53Access"
description = "Policy for cert-manager to manage Route53 hosted zone"
depends_on = [
policy = <<EOF
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "route53:GetChange",
"Resource": "arn:aws:route53:::change/*"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [

# [1]: The first Statement is to be able to get the current state
# of the request, to find out if dns record changes have been
# propagated to all route53 dns servers.
# [2]: The second statement one to update dns records such as txt
# for acme challange. We need to replace `<id>` with the hosted zone id.

resource "aws_iam_role" "cert_manager_acme" {
name = "cert-manager-acme"
assume_role_policy = <<EOF
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Federated": "arn:aws:iam::${data.aws_caller_identity.current.account_id}:oidc-provider/${replace(data.aws_eks_cluster.cluster.identity.0.oidc.0.issuer, "https://", "")}"
"Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"${replace(data.aws_eks_cluster.cluster.identity.0.oidc.0.issuer, "https://", "")}:sub": "system:serviceaccount:cert-manager:cert-manager"

resource "aws_iam_role_policy_attachment" "cert_manager_acme" {
role =
policy_arn = aws_iam_policy.cert_manager_route53_access.arn

resource "helm_release" "cert-manager" {
name = "cert-manager"
namespace = "cert-manager"
repository = ""
chart = "cert-manager"
version = "1.14.4"
timeout = 300
atomic = true
create_namespace = true

depends_on = [

values = [
installCRDs: true
# Helm chart will create the following CRDs:
# - Issuer
# - ClusterIssuer
# - Certificate
# - CertificateRequest
# - Order
# - Challenge

# Enable prometheus metrics, and create a service
# monitor object
# Ref:
enabled: true
enabled: true
# Incase we had more than one prometheus instance
# prometheusInstance: monitor

# DNS-01 Route53
annotations: ${aws_iam_role.cert_manager_acme.arn}
# You need to provide the following to be able to use the IAM role.
# If you are using cluster issuer you need to replace it with:
- --cluster-issuer-ambient-credentials
- --issuer-ambient-credentials
# - --enable-certificate-owner-ref=true
- --dns01-recursive-nameservers-only
- --dns01-recursive-nameservers=,
resource "kubectl_manifest" "cert_manager_cluster_issuer_public" {
depends_on = [

yaml_body = yamlencode({
"apiVersion" = ""
"kind" = "ClusterIssuer"
"metadata" = {
"name" = "letsencrypt-dns01-production-cluster-issuer-public"
"spec" = {
"acme" = {
"server" = ""
"email" = ""
"privateKeySecretRef" = {
"name" = "letsencrypt-production-dns01-public-key-pair"
"solvers" = [
"dns01" = {
"route53" = {
"region" = "${var.region}"
"hostedZoneID" = "${aws_route53_zone.public.zone_id}"

Test & Verify

  • Verify that the dns delegation for the subdomain is working successfully.
    • Use whatsmydns to check the DNS propagation. Enter and see if the NS records are propagated. you should see the same output produced by output ns_records run terraform output ns_records to see them again.
  • Verify that the wildcard CNAME record is created in Route53:
    • Run dig +short and see if it resolves to the external load balancer of the ingress-nginx controller.
    • Or any other subdomain it is a wildcard dig +short <*>
  • Before You move to the NEXT layer:
    • Run:
cd terraformed-odyssey/kubernetes/system

# Create Secret
kubectl create secret generic argocd-notifications-secret -n argocd --from-literal slack-token=<slack-token> --dry-run=client -o yaml > secrets/argocd-notifications-secret.yaml
# Do NOT Forget to add annotations as in here:
# Ref:

# Then Seal the Secret
kubeseal --controller-name sealed-secrets --controller-namespace sealed-secrets --format yaml < secrets/argocd-notifications-secret-ignore.yaml > sealed-argocd-notifications-secret.yaml


In this layer, we will deploy:

  • ArgoCD using app-of-apps pattern.
  • AWS Client VPN using various authentication methods and over a proxy.

You can use kustomize or define yaml variables inside the yaml files. Do what you feel comfortable with. I will use the yaml files directly for simplicity.

Visualize Plan

It is an overly simplified graph. Just to help you visualize. And in which namespace objects exists e.g. where the dashboards are deployed ...etc.

Cert-Manager Issuers

kind: ClusterIssuer
name: letsencrypt-dns01-production-cluster-issuer
name: letsencrypt-production-dns01-key-pair
- dns01:
region: eu-central-1
hostedZoneID: Z10172763D2LB47VXDFP9

Monitoring Namespace Ingress

kind: Ingress
name: monitoring-ns-ingress
namespace: monitoring
annotations: letsencrypt-dns01-production-cluster-issuer
ingressClassName: external-nginx
- hosts:
secretName: grafana-goviolin-k8s-sreboy-com-key-pair
- hosts:
secretName: prometheus-goviolin-k8s-sreboy-com-key-pair
- host:
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: monitoring-grafana
number: 80
- host:
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: monitoring-kube-prometheus-prometheus
number: 9090

Goviolin Namespace

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: goviolin
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: goviolin
namespace: goviolin
replicas: 3
app: goviolin
app: goviolin
- name: goviolin
image: ziadmmh/goviolin:v0.0.1
- containerPort: 8080
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: goviolin
namespace: goviolin
app: goviolin
- protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 8080
type: ClusterIP

kind: Ingress
name: goviolin
namespace: goviolin
annotations: letsencrypt-dns01-production-cluster-issuer
ingressClassName: external-nginx
- hosts:
secretName: goviolin-k8s-sreboy-com-key-pair
- host:
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: goviolin
number: 80

Custom Dashboards

We are using the Kube Prometheus Stack. It is like the defacto solution to deploy Prometheus and Grafana on kubernetes. It has default targets and dashboards already configured.

Also, it has a unique and an easy way to add custom dashboards:

  • Visit Grafana Dashboards
  • Choose the dashboards you like, say:
    • For Cert Manger: id 20842 AND download json cert-manager-20842.json.
    • For Ingress Nginx: id 14314 AND download json ingress-nginx-14314.json.
  • Run the following commands:
kubectl create configmap cert-manager-dashboard-20842 --from-file=$PWD/dashboards/cert-manager-20842.json --dry-run=client -o yaml > cert-manager-dashboard-20842.yaml

kubectl create configmap ingress-nginx-dashboard-14314 --from-file=$PWD/dashboards/ingress-nginx-14314.json --dry-run=client -o yaml > ingress-nginx-dashboard-14314.yaml

We are NOT finished yet:

Current working directory like this:
ziadh@Ziads-MacBook-Air files % tree
├── cert-manager-dashboard-20842.yaml
├── dashboards
│ ├── cert-manager-20842.json
│ └── ingress-nginx-14314.json
├── goviolin.yaml
├── ingress-nginx-dashboard-14314.yaml
├── issuers.yaml
└── monitoring.yaml

1 directory, 7 files

Now you need to vi cert-manager-dashboard-20842.yaml and vi ingress-nginx-dashboard-14314.yaml and add the following lines:

grafana_dashboard: "1"

This is how grafana discovers the dashboards and registers them.

apiVersion: v1
cert-manager-20842.json: |-
"annotations": {
"list": [
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"datasource": {
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"name": "Annotations & Alerts",
"type": "dashboard"
"description": "The dashboard gives an overview of the SSL certs managed by cert-manager in Kubernetes",
"editable": true,
"fiscalYearStartMonth": 0,
"gnetId": 20842,
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"expr": "count(certmanager_certificate_ready_status{condition=\"True\", exported_namespace=~\"$namespace\"})",
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"title": "Valid Certificates",
"type": "stat"
"datasource": {
"type": "prometheus",
"uid": "${datasource}"
"description": "The number of certificates that will expire within the next 14 days",
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"expr": "count(certmanager_certificate_expiration_timestamp_seconds{exported_namespace=~\"$namespace\"} < (time()+(14*24*3600)))",
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"instant": true,
"legendFormat": "{{exported_namespace}}/{{name}}",
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"title": "Expiring Certificates",
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"datasource": {
"type": "prometheus",
"uid": "${datasource}"
"description": "Total number of HTTP requests",
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"title": "Total ACME Requests",
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"uid": "${datasource}"
"description": "Time before the certificates expire",
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"description": "Time before the certificates are automatically renewed",
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kind: ConfigMap
grafana_dashboard: "1"
namespace: cert-manager
name: cert-manager-dashboard-20842
apiVersion: v1
ingress-nginx-14314.json: |
"__inputs": [
"name": "DS_PROMETHEUS",
"label": "Prometheus",
"description": "",
"type": "datasource",
"pluginId": "prometheus",
"pluginName": "Prometheus"
"__requires": [
"type": "grafana",
"id": "grafana",
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"version": "6.7.0"
"type": "datasource",
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"name": "Prometheus",
"version": "5.0.0"
"type": "panel",
"id": "singlestat",
"name": "Singlestat",
"version": "5.0.0"
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"name": "Annotations & Alerts",
"type": "dashboard"
"datasource": "",
"enable": true,
"expr": "sum(changes(nginx_ingress_controller_config_last_reload_successful_timestamp_seconds{instance!=\"unknown\",controller_class=~\"$controller_class\",namespace=~\"$namespace\"}[30s])) by (controller_class)",
"hide": false,
"iconColor": "rgba(255, 96, 96, 1)",
"limit": 100,
"name": "Config Reloads",
"showIn": 0,
"step": "30s",
"tagKeys": "controller_class",
"tags": [],
"titleFormat": "Config Reloaded",
"type": "tags"
"editable": true,
"gnetId": 14314,
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"id": 35,
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"colorBackground": false,
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"colors": [
"rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)",
"datasource": "",
"decimals": 1,
"description": "This is the total number of requests made in this period (top-right period selected)",
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"custom": {}
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"minValue": 0,
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"expr": "sum(increase(nginx_ingress_controller_requests{ controller_class=~\"$controller_class\", ingress=~\"$ingress\", namespace=~\"$namespace\", controller_pod=~\"$pod\"}[${__range_s}s]))",
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"rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)",
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"decimals": 1,
"description": "This is the percentage of successful requests over the entire period in the top-right hand corner.\n\nNOTE: Ignoring 404s in this metric, since a 404 is a normal response for errant/invalid request. This helps prevent this percentage from being affected by typical web scanners and security probes.",
"fieldConfig": {
"defaults": {
"custom": {}
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"targets": [
"expr": "sum(\n rate(\n nginx_ingress_controller_requests{status!~\"[4-5].*\", controller_class=~\"$controller_class\", ingress=~\"$ingress\", namespace=~\"$namespace\", controller_pod=~\"$pod\"}[${__range_s}s]\n )\n ) \n/ \n(\n sum(\n rate(\n nginx_ingress_controller_requests{ controller_class=~\"$controller_class\", ingress=~\"$ingress\", namespace=~\"$namespace\", controller_pod=~\"$pod\"}[${__range_s}s]\n )\n ) - \n (\n sum(\n rate(\n nginx_ingress_controller_requests{status=~\"404|499\", controller_class=~\"$controller_class\", ingress=~\"$ingress\",namespace=~\"$namespace\", controller_pod=~\"$pod\"}[${__range_s}s]\n )\n ) \n or vector(0)\n )\n)",
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"interval": "",
"intervalFactor": 1,
"legendFormat": "",
"refId": "A"
"thresholds": "",
"timeFrom": null,
"timeShift": null,
"title": "% Success (period)",
"type": "singlestat",
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"op": "=",
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"colorValue": false,
"colors": [
"rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)",
"datasource": null,
"decimals": 0,
"description": "This is the number of new connections made to the controller in the last minute. NOTE: This metric does not support the Ingress, Namespace variables, as this is at a lower-level than the actual application. It does support the others though (Env, Controller Class, Pod)",
"fieldConfig": {
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"custom": {}
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"tableColumn": "",
"targets": [
"expr": "sum(avg_over_time(nginx_ingress_controller_nginx_process_connections{state=~\"active\", state=~\"active\", controller_class=~\"$controller_class\", controller_pod=~\"$pod\"}[$__interval]))",
"format": "time_series",
"interval": "2m",
"intervalFactor": 1,
"legendFormat": "{{ingress}}",
"refId": "A"
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"timeFrom": null,
"timeShift": null,
"title": "Conns (2m)",
"type": "singlestat",
"valueFontSize": "80%",
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"op": "=",
"text": "N/A",
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"colorBackground": false,
"colorValue": false,
"colors": [
"rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)",
"datasource": null,
"decimals": 0,
"description": "The number of HTTP requests made in the last 1 minute window",
"fieldConfig": {
"defaults": {
"custom": {}
"overrides": []
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"gauge": {
"maxValue": 100,
"minValue": 0,
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"targets": [
"expr": "sum(increase(nginx_ingress_controller_requests{ controller_class=~\"$controller_class\", ingress=~\"$ingress\", namespace=~\"$namespace\", controller_pod=~\"$pod\"}[$__interval]))",
"format": "time_series",
"interval": "2m",
"intervalFactor": 1,
"legendFormat": "",
"refId": "A"
"thresholds": "",
"timeFrom": null,
"timeShift": null,
"title": "Reqs (2m)",
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"colorValue": false,
"colors": [
"rgba(237, 129, 40, 0.89)",
"datasource": null,
"description": "This is the percentage of successful requests over the last minute.\n\nNOTE: Ignoring 404s in this metric, since a 404 is a normal response for errant requests",
"fieldConfig": {
"defaults": {
"custom": {}
"overrides": []
"format": "percentunit",
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"maxValue": 100,
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"tableColumn": "",
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"description": "This graph can help assess and help us meet SLA requirements as far as the responsive time of our services.\n\nFor a more detailed latency graph broken out by ingress please open the closed tab at the bottom because it is very CPU intensive.",
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"description": "NOTE: This does not work per ingress/namespace\n\nThis is the number of new connections opened by the controller",
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"expr": "sum(avg_over_time(nginx_ingress_controller_nginx_process_connections{state=~\"active\", state=~\"active\", controller_class=~\"$controller_class\", controller_pod=~\"$pod\"}[$__range]))",
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"targets": [
"expr": "sum(\n rate(\n nginx_ingress_controller_requests{status!~\"[4-5].*\", controller_class=~\"$controller_class\", ingress=~\"$ingress\", namespace=~\"$namespace\", controller_pod=~\"$pod\"}[${__range_s}s]\n )\n ) by (ingress)\n/ \n(\n sum(\n rate(\n nginx_ingress_controller_requests{ controller_class=~\"$controller_class\", ingress=~\"$ingress\", namespace=~\"$namespace\", controller_pod=~\"$pod\"}[${__range_s}s]\n )\n ) by (ingress)\n - \n (\n sum(\n rate(\n nginx_ingress_controller_requests{status=~\"404|499\", controller_class=~\"$controller_class\", ingress=~\"$ingress\",namespace=~\"$namespace\", controller_pod=~\"$pod\"}[${__range_s}s]\n )\n ) by (ingress)\n or vector(0)\n )\n)",
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"title": "Percentage of Success (non-2xx) - By Ingress",
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"expr": "histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(nginx_ingress_controller_request_duration_seconds_bucket{status!=\"404\",status!=\"500\", controller_class=~\"$controller_class\", ingress=~\"$ingress\", namespace=~\"$namespace\", controller_pod=~\"$pod\"}[5m])) by (le, ingress))",
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"title": "Kubernetes Nginx Ingress Prometheus NextGen",
"description": "Nginx Ingress Controller via Prometheus Metrics Dashboard created for DevOps Nirvana @",
"uid": "k8s-nginx-ingress-prometheus-ng",
"version": 27
kind: ConfigMap
grafana_dashboard: "1"
namespace: ingress-nginx
name: ingress-nginx-dashboard-14314


kubectl apply -f 15_platform/files/

Verify 15_Platform Layer

  • Cert-Manager is able to serve challenges.
Watch the certificates being issued
kubectl get certificates -A -w
kubectl get challenges -A -w
  • (Important) Cert Manager is able to create TXT records in Route53.
  • External Access through:
  • Verify Default Prometheus Targets are created.
  • Verify Default Grafana Dashboards are created.
  • Verify Cert Manager, Ingress Targets and Custom Dashboards are created.